Friday, May 8, 2009

A Journey of a Thousand Miles …

We’ve now reached the end of finals week. After taking my Hebrew exam on Wednesday, I’m down to one paper, which isn’t due until May 18th. Right now, that seems like a lot of time, but I’m sure I’ll find a way to procrastinate it right up ‘til May 17th.

Speaking of Hebrew, the language was a little like yoga for me. First the teacher demonstrates, say, parsing the Hithpael imperfect or doing bird of paradise pose, and I’ll be like “Noooooo way. That is not going to happen for me.” Cut to six months later, when I find the Hithpael to be second nature, and my leg does bend that way. Once reaching my goal, I seem to have forgotten the long journey it took to get to this point.

Hopefully your adjustment to YDS will be a similar tale. Though it seems daunting at first, you'll look back later and wonder at how much difficulty you had finding the Day Missions Room that first time you had a paper to write.

In the mail in the next few weeks, you’ll all be getting the materials you’ll need to take the very first steps on this next great big journey you’ll be undertaking – information on how to sign up for your Yale email, and a draft of the course schedule for next semester. Just like when you’re perfecting your bridge pose or learning the object pronouns of a dead language, it’ll all about visualization, seeing yourself successfully completing the task at hand.

Once you get to YDS, you’ll be assigned an advisor who will have some helpful input on what course you select (and will sign off on your selection every term). You might also want to spend some time with the YDS bulletin – this lists the areas of study we have and the distribution requirements you’ll need to fulfill for whatever degree you’re going for. The bulletin you’re given at orientation will be your secondary Bible – save it forever and refer to it often. No matter what regulations change as you move through YDS, your graduation will be dependent on your fulfilling the bulletin requirements from the year you matriculated.

Vaya con dios!


PS – I only got four and a half hours of sleep last night, because I went to see the new Star Trek movie. Apologies for whatever lapses of logic occur in the above.

PPS – Not gonna lie; totally worth it. The movie was pretty great.

PPPS – Speaking of actual yoga, there are several places to practice in New Haven. Check out , where I go, or, where my friend Jen is a regular. You can also do yoga at the Yale gym for cheaper as a series class.

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