They're dying! Independent bookstores everywhere are succumbing to the giant youknowwho.com and other such monsters. But not your Student Book Supply: the bookstore at YDS. Through the incredible support of our students, faculty, staff, and local New Haven-ite shoppers, the SBS lives on.
Serving YDS since 1938, the SBS provides not only your course textbooks, but also over 17,000 titles in theology, biblical studies, ethics, world Christianity, black studies, gender studies, etc. etc. etc.! Need a snack to get you through that 4pm class? We have it! A little too cold in Niebuhr during OT? Get a sweatshirt from us (also great for picking up dates on the local New Haven scene)! Feeling sick from nights up learning Hebrew vocabulary? We can pump you full of NyQuil or Tylenol. Want to eat a bit of popcorn for 75 cents on Friday afternoon? Swing by for that as well!
Even more, every student who chooses to pay a simple $25 annual membership due will receive 15% off of EVERY PURCHASE in the bookstore (sale items and stamps excluded).
Here at the SBS, we love you and want to support your studies, your research, your writing, and even your social life while at YDS. So please come by at any time (located immediately inside the entrance to the Divinity School) to browse, buy, or just hang out. We look forward to seeing you, and please write or call me at any time with questions.
Micah Luce
micahDOTluceATyaleDOTedu (replace those caps with punctuation)
Check out the Student Book Supply's website for more info (and a larger version of the above photo), including hours and the senior gift registry.
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ReplyDeleteI think this is perfect because we should know to the teenagers to read books not just online but also with the books themselves physically, because I think they can lose their vision about the importance of reading in papers.