Thursday, July 23, 2009

Running Around New Haven

I am not a runner in any sense of the word, but this year a few friends of mine have been training for the Chicago Marathon. When I got back from Chicago in June, I'd decided that I, too, was going to run a marathon. The voice of reason, as played by my friend Lydia in this movie, managed to talk me down -- first to a half-marathon, and then to a 5k.

Myself and a few others will be running the New Haven Road Race on Labor Day (September 7th) of this year. Register before August 1st, and the fee is only $25.00. Another friend, Nick*, said it was a great way for him to explore New Haven a little last year. All proceeds go to local charities, so you can feel good about that 25 bucks, too.

If you've never run before, and you're all "OMG, five ENTIRE kilometers?!?", you can join us on the "Couch to 5k" training plan. So far, so good for me. I can now run an entire three minutes without stopping or being actively pursued. (If you have run before, and you're like "OMG, it's only five kilometers?!?", I kind of hate you.**)

Let me know if you end up actually running. Team YDS doesn't have to run together, but we do need a group photo at some point, and maybe pancakes together afterward.


*Nick actually runs up BOTH peaks in East Rock Park. He is not a good benchmark to hold yourself against. I plan on closely examining my shoes for a good part of this race.

** But you're still welcome here.


  1. I've been wondering a lot about running in New Haven, so this is convenient! (And glad to hear I will have some "OMG 5 ENTIRE KM!?!?!" company...) Where are some good places to run? Sounds like maybe this epic East Rock Park, or I suppose there is a gym on campus? Is it safe to run in the early mornings or evenings? Thanks!

  2. Hi Anonymous -

    East Rock is great to run in, but parts of it are really steep! If you like running on a track (as I often do), try Googling Albertus Magnus College or Wilbur Cross High School - both have 1/4 mile tracks. (Albertus Magnus is gravel, Wilbur Cross is a little nicer but makes my shoes red.) Payne Whitney Gym has an indoor 1/8 mile track I use when it's just too hot/wet/gross out (ask the dude at the front desk, it's hard to find in that colossal building). Most of the East Rock neighborhood is residential enough to be run-able, with only a few stoplights. You'll see plenty of folks jogging during the daytime.

    In general, I think you'll be safe if you keep your runs to daylight hours. If you're running at twilight, I suggest grabbing a buddy or heading to one of the tracks I've mentioned above. I've been running at Wilbur Cross at around 7pm, when it's pretty well-populated, but I'd keep a jog through East Rock park strictly to afternoon hours.

    Hope that helps! Ask around, too - there are probably some great parks and runs out there that are unbeknownst to me at present.

  3. Are there any Div Triathletes? I'd love to find a biking partner as well as a running partner.

    Oh, and for all you "it's only 5K" people out there. Try running the 5K after swimming half a mile and biking 15.5 miles.

    My legs have never hurt so much in my LIFE!

  4. By the way, I just registered for the 5K race, so I'll see you guys there. By the way, I'm going to be training this year for the NYC Marathon and the Toughman Half-Ironman, so we can be crazy training buddies!

  5. Anyone want to run the 20K that same day? I just finished a marathon, and the idea of training for a sprint race doesn't appeal...but I like the idea of pancakes afterwards, so I want to be a lemming and follow the leaders. Other 20Kers=I'll join you, else I'll do the 5K.

  6. I'm pretty impressed that *this* is the post that has gotten the most comments - and also that you're going to run the 20k, Alex! Go you! I think that Nick might be doing it again ... I'll check with him and see. This is a Dale Mail worthy event, so we may have a carpool to pancakes aftewards!

    M, I'm sorry to say that I don't know any triathletes. I know of bikers, and I know of simmers, and I'm now trying to be a runner, but few are they who combine these three things. Again, you might have some success sending a Dale Mail when you get here and seeing who else you can scare up.

  7. I'm a 170-mile-a-week cyclist who could ride with triathletes. Though I can't swim, so I'd be no good for being a "real" triathlon partner.

    Nevertheless, if you want two-wheeled training, I'd be up for it.

  8. I just decided I want to train for a triathalon, but I need to learn to swim first. And, I may just sign up for the 5K as a motivation to get back into running shape. Thanks for this post!

  9. Thanks Sandra and Kate for this. It's indeed interesting that *this* has the most comments. Please let me know if you hear of anyone (Nick) running the 20K. At this point (right after I looked at the menu of Chips) eating good food afterwards with people sounds better than a lonely run, so 5K might be nice!

  10. Glad to see so much interest in the race. I had such a good time last year that I decided to do the 20k again this year. I'll be training for a half-marathon in Oct., so I'd love to find a running buddy or start a YDS running group to keep me motivated.

    Awesome idea about the post-race celebration. And if traveling to Chips gets complicated (it's hard to find parking downtown that day), we could celebrate at my place on Edwards. I also heard that our favorite chef from the Aloha state will be running the 5k, maybe he won't be too tired to show us how to properly flip some flapjacks.
