Julie is our Assistant Dean of Students for Pastoral Issues. That means that when you start freaking out because it seems that YDS isn't living up to your hopes and dreams... or because you don't think YOU are living up to YDS's expectations, head for her office (now across from the candy bowl and Mike G.). And don't wait for your molehill to grow into mountain! The sooner you go, the better you'll feel. [A YDS grad herself, Rev. Julie K. feels your pain.]
If you have an idea for an activity that might strengthen the school, talk to her too! Last year in answer to student requests, we started Holy Happy Hour [Ed. Note: Comma, Batman!], a monthly opportunity to meet with faculty in the commuter lounge to ask questions and have conversations in an informal setting. Look for notices of HHH later this fall.
Julie is also a lecturer in the Practices and Principles of Preaching course and a mentor with the Annand Center. She has offered spiritual direction for years – which is a good reason to seek her out. She'll help you with translating psychological language into theological language, and connecting what you're learning at YDS with Sunday worship and daily life.
Julie is one of the founders of Chapel on the Green in New Haven, a weekly service for people who spend most of their time on the Green, some of whom have no other home. You can find her there Sundays at 2pm.
In addition to all of this, Julie has led bereavement groups for adults and for children ages 6-12. She is a mother and grandmother who loves hiking, reading, writing, theater and music.
[Julie wrote her own bio for the blog, which I really appreciate. Parentheticals are my own goofball additions. -Kate]
Hi Julie, It's me from Trinity.
ReplyDeleteThe website is great, informative and full of your wonderful talents that you offer so generously.
Sice we last spoke at Hop's funeral reception, I had been in the local elections, and now that they are over and I have lost along with so many other Democrats, I am caught up with my commitments.
It would be great to continue our conversation about Divinity School. Call 256 8949 or email marycody@optonline.net.
Look foward to hear from you soon. Best of the day to you. Mary
She is great person! I remember the first time she came to our sex toy store, unforgettable.