Like CPE, LPM is another acronymic way that divvies can spend a summer getting course credit and being paid for it. (LPM was also offered during the school year this year; it's slightly unclear whether that'll happen again.) In brief, students spend the summer being trained as community organizers, and then applying those skills in a variety of internship placements around Connecticut. Students in LPM are charged tuition for the three hours of course credit they accumulate, but they are also paid (in the form of a grant through the Financial Aid Office) for the internship they work.
ETA: My pants are burning. Turns out CPE does cover your internship requirement via transfer credit. Mea culpa; I misread an earlier comment. (Thanks for keeping me honest, Susan.)
From the LPM website:
Leadership in Public Ministry is a supervised ministry course designed to teach students how to work with others to create change in community. Students learn about how community leaders define leadership and how they become leaders. They also learn how to practice justice and use power in ways that are biblically based and theologically grounded. The course is now being offered in both the summer and the academic year. Both terms start off with a period of intensive classroom training and continue with work in a local site under the supervision of an experienced practitioner. This is combined with regular classroom meetings designed to enrich the concepts and skills taught in the initial training, as well as to offer reflection time for interns to share their experiences.

(Photo bonus: Can you find your two BTFO 2009 leaders in the photo above?)
(Photo bonus answer: No, you can't, because we're too small and blurry.)
Just a correction for the writers: CPE does in fact count as a supervised ministry. Students take it wherever they take it and then it is transferred into YDS and meets the requirement.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure if your pity about being in a van driven by me has to do with my sense of direction (all hail the mighty GPS system) or the fact that I miscalculated how long it would take to get to the airport and made everyone leave at 4:15 a.m. today when a leisurely 4:45 would have worked.
It was, indeed, a great trip, though.
I see Sandra! I am also in this picture but (thankfully) am being blocked by the tomato bucket.