Thursday, August 20, 2009

Happy Birthday Mike!

Our very favorite search engine turns 25 today. We got you a blog post!*
(Above: more or less how I spent the summer. Also, Dale Peterson.)

BTFO 2009 owes Mike a huge debt of gratitude. Without him, this program probably wouldn't happen. As YDS's institutional memory, Mike has helped us track down supplies, figure out who to ask for what favors, and generally served as a sounding board for all kinds of ideas. You can thank Mike for Dale Mail, the candy bowl, and making the earth revolve around the sun.** And while we may still wish we'd gotten walkie-talkies out of the deal, hey, nobody's perfect. And while it took forever for us to get walkie-talkies, hey, we eventually got our walkie-talkies. Apparently, perfection is attainable. It just takes a while. (This is starting to sound like an ad for booze.)

With that in mind, we'd like to dedicate the following 3:09 of internet to Mike:

-Kate and Sandra

*Also another present.
** Yes, these things are functionally equivalent.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks, y'all! Also, I would like a correction notice on the walkie talkies.
